Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Disappearing Poo

Who is Jennille? I'm me. That was profound, huh? I'm a child of God. I'm a mom to two. I'm a wife to one. I'm a major screw up--okay, probably not major, but it feels like it sometimes. Thank you, God, for grace and forgiveness. I'm bossy. I'll admit it now, but I didn't use to be bossy, I will have you know. I'm a small business owner. More on that one later. I AM funny--despite what my husband says. I am a lot of things. God blessed me with a lot of talents and desires. I don't know when I will do them all, but He does. At this point, you are probably wondering, "Where is the disappearing poo that you mentioned in the title?" because that's what I would be wondering if I were without further ado, the disappearing poo story.

I don't recall how it came up, but you can't wonder too much when you have a 5-year-old boy around, but the topic of poo arose. Out of the blue, Aidan says,
"Mom! Listen to this! It is SO COOL! I went poop behind the shed and then I went back later and like magic, it just disappeared!" He was genuinely excited about this. Needless to say, I had to go around the corner, so I could fall over laughing without him seeing, because surely we don't want to encourage this behavior, right? My next thought was EEWWWWW!!!! Did I mention that we have two dogs? Their were so excited, apparently, for thier extra snack that day. After we proceeded to pick ourselves up off the floor from laughing, we did manage to tell him that, while peeing outside behind the shed is one thing, we only go poop in the potty. I'll be honest. When we were potty training the little guy, he was just having a rough go of it for a while. So like a good mom that lives in the country, we taught him to write his name in the dirt. It worked. What can I say?

So...not so much on the profound wisdom that I have acquired in today's post, but it's these sweet moments that I want to remember. Someday, these cute little sweetnesses of mine will be grown up and they will want to date and *someday* get married (which Aidan told me last night at lights out that he was completely scared of--and that's okay with me, right now), and I will need to have some stories to tell future spouses. It's only fair. I just want to remember all these fun things. That's what my blog is all about. Life and learning. Signing off for now. Enjoy the poo in life.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I love it, Jennille. So glad you are on the blog circuit. I will be reading often!