Friday, June 20, 2008


I got a new Bible for Brad. I should say I picked it up--I ordered it in February. It's really cool. It is the One Year Chronological Bible. What that means is that it is broken up into small sections to read everyday and then within a year you will have read through the whole Bible. The neat thing about this one is that it is written in the order that things happened, hence the Chronological part. So we are starting at the January reading --as opposed to starting with June and coming full circle. I asked Brad to read it to me aloud. It came to me while reading "Redeeming Love". After much convincing on my part, he did read out loud to me. What does he happen to read to me? Genesis 3:16. Not a verse I had memorized. One other thing I forgot to mention about this new Bible: it is the New Living Translation. We are used to using the New International Version, which is good, too. In case you don't have your Bible handy, here is what Genesis 3:16 says in the NLT,

" And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.

Ouch. If you go back and read the whole passage, you will realize this phrase was spoken to Eve, by God when he was cursing Adam and Eve for disobeying and eating from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Even though I know that my husband is supposed to be the head of our household, I'll admit that I don't always let him be the head. Not only that, but, if I'm being totally honest here, I DO desire to control my husband. No, I don't physically force him into doing things my way, but I do use other tactics. Guilt trips, manipulation, the look...we won't go into more detail than that. Not the way God intended. Ouch, again.

I did enjoy having Brad read to me, though. He wouldn't do a repeat performance last night, though. I had to read for myself. If you can convince your hubby to do it, have him do it. I thought it was really romantic for him to read out loud to me from the Bible. Something about God's truth coming from the mouth of your husband, who should be the head of your household...Just knowing that he is learning to be in submission to God...It was just really wonderful.

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