Wednesday, September 24, 2008


What is it that makes families pretend to be perfect with each other? We know, logically, that people aren't perfect (except our Savior, Jesus, of course). We're just not. Why should we pretend to be otherwise? It just doesn't make sense. It's frustrating. I know I'm not perfect. (I really do know it. I know everything and that includes knowing I'm not perfect.) I know I can be bossy. I know I can be anal about some things. I know I can be overly emotional and overly critical of myself. I also know that I can be lazy sometimes. So what's the problem? I will apologize right now if anyone thought ill of my sister after my blog a few days ago (that is for now removed). I love her. I really do. She really is a lot of fun. However, someone pointed out to me that maybe she wouldn't understand that I wasn't being critical of her, that I was just poking fun. Sorry to her and anyone else that may have been offended. That being said, just for clarification purposes, this is my blog. It is my thoughts. It is my memories. I talk about things in my life and with my family. I like to think it's funny sometimes--Brad might tell you otherwise.;0 I like to think it is a sweet place for me to remember the cute and funny things my kids do. I know not everyone thinks my kids are absolutely adorable and faultless. That's why this is my blog. I know that I am going off on a rant here, but I really feel strongly about this. As my mother pointed out to me, blogging can be therapeutic. For me, it is. I enjoy writing (and have not really realized how much until I started blogging). I enjoy reading other peoples' blogs. It just gives an outlet to put things in words; get it out there; express myself. Someday...I would love to make money at it. How cool is that? Make money doing something you love? What a concept. I do honestly enjoy doing all the things that I do; La Leche League; Uppercase Living; Amway/Quixtar. Obviously, some things I am more involved in than others, but that's how life is. It's give and take. It's take and give. It's not perfection. It's grace. God's grace for us. God's grace through us. Enough with my rant already...

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