Monday, September 8, 2008

Eternity Talks

Tonight as we lay in Breanna's bed for bedtime story, I chose to read Aidan's new Spark book for our bedtime story--and to reinforce the verse he is learning this week. His verse is John 3:16, which if you are not familiar with, goes like this:

For God so loved the world, that He gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

We were talking about what it means, and how God felt when He sent his son to die for us, and how sad Mommy and Daddy would be if we had to have our son die for everyone else. It was a really good discussion--one of the moments you simultaneously really dread and look forward to. Aidan then asked me,
"Mom, what would happen if God hadn't sent Jesus to die for us?" So I am in the middle of this really great explanation of how we would all have to die and go to hell for eternity, and I'm quoting scripture about how we are all sinners and the price for being a sinner is death, etc... you get the point. I was just so excited to have answers for his questions, then he asks one more...
"Mom, is this a mosquito bite on my forehead?" Moment over. Just like that. I'm just glad to have had the moment in the first place. But he's 5. They don't last very long. Until the next one...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

This sounds exactly like Hope. They ask these amazing questions that lead into amazing discussion and then, all of the sudden, they are done...on to something else. Glad they are asking the questions though. One day, they will surprise us and listen intently to every word and then make some serious decisions about what we say. Scary and exciting!