Thursday, October 9, 2008

Super Sweet Boy

My son is so sweet. He likes to do things for me. If you've ever read The 5 Love Languages of Children, you will know that children cycle through the 5 different love languages until they settle on the 1 or 2 that feel best to them. Last night was an "acts of service" night. I was trying to help him with his first school fundraiser (which by the way, if I happened to miss your e-mail address, go to, click "shop our online store", and enter Aidan's ID# which is can8940. Thanks!). Upstairs, I heard him doing something, but I couldn't tell you what. Then he hollers down the stairs at me, "Mom, come up and see. I have a surprise for you." I'll admit I was a little nervous. Often these surprises consist of taking every cushion, pillow, and blanket in the house and making a fort. This time happened to be different. He had not only set the table with silverware, but had gotten out 3 bowls, and scooped them with appropriate amounts of stew (that Grandma had made for us--THANK YOU!!!), and set them by the microwave to be warmed. Then he even got 3 cups for us and put juice in all of them. It was so cute! I actually totally appreciated it because we were heading out the door to go to AWANA's. I just really enjoyed his pride in doing a random act of kindness--especially while Daddy is at work training in another town. Such sweetness!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

He IS a super sweet boy! I love times like these.