Saturday, August 30, 2008

News On the Homefront

Lupus is not a death sentence. The truly amazing God send of me finding this when we did is that it is very early. I am not having a major flare (which is what they call it when the Lupus becomes super active and damaging). I am having very minor symptoms. The other good news is that we have health insurance now. We didn't have regular health insurance prior to Brad having a "regular" job. Once again, God was watching out for us. While I can't say that I am totally excited to have this diagnosis, it could be a lot worse. At least now we have a starting point.

In other news on the home front...Aidan is having a good time at kindergarten. He doesn't dislike it, but I wouldn't say he loves it yet. When I pick him up after school he says that his favorite part of the day was "everything" (to once again quote his friend, Seth). When asked what he did that day his answer usually consists of, "Oh, we just learned and played on the playground." It's almost as if he needs a little bit of decompression time. Around dinner he usually starts in with all the stories from the day. So-and-so fell off the merry go round. So-and-so played with me today. So-and-so played on the monkey bars and fell off. Etc...It is fun to hear about his day. Right now he is working on writing his name with lower case letters. He knows his lower case letters already--he just prefers to write it all in uppercase letters. Perhaps it's all the talk at home about uppercase living (my business). Who knows? He definitely has strong opinions about things. I have no idea where he gets that from...

Breanna is adjusting to having mommy to herself for the entire day. We get to play games (sans big brother interruptions or domination). We get to read her stories first. We get to watch girly movies by ourselves. It has been fun just having girl time, but we definitely miss Bubba, too.

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