Monday, January 12, 2009

I Can't Get No Satifizacation

One of my pet peaves is being forced to eat food after the point of being full (aka "cleaning your plate). It goes back to the breastfeeding thing, I'm sure. B-fed babies eat until they are full, then they stop. You can't force them to continue nursing when they are done. It's just how it works. They learn to listen to their body and what it is telling them. I love Aidan-isms and Breanna-isms. This pet peave and this week's Aidan-ism converge at the dinner table. I often ask Aidan if he is satisfied or if he is just eating because it tastes yummy. So here is the convergence: satifized. Translation: Mom, I am satisfied, so I'm done stuffing my face because it tastes good. Satifized. I just thought it was so cute. As he is learning so much, his Aidan-isms are becoming fewer and farther between. What fun they are!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

How cute! It's good you're writing it down... they're hard to remember. It's so much fun listening to the silly things they say!