Thursday, July 17, 2008


Today we lost Brad's grandma. The ironic part is that today was her birthday. How strange is that? We were going to call and wish her happy birthday. We didn't get the chance. I have really struggled with that, personally, because I didn't call either of my grandparents before they were gone. I don't know why it's so hard to tell someone, "I love you! I enjoyed (enter specifics) about being your grandchild." What is that all about? I didn't have a bad relationship with my grandparents. I will admit that I did manage to offend Brad's grandma a few visits ago, though, bless her heart. Me and my big mouth. I don't want to go into that right now, but I will let you know that I did apologize later. Grandma Hicks was a very sweet lady--and a good cook. Even Brad would probably admit that he liked Grandma's cooking a lot better than mine. I just don't want to weigh 500 pounds! :) I will never forget the first time I went back to Arkansas to meet "the family" before Brad and I got married. It was, of course, a big deal to have company coming from Colorado, so Grandma made--and I'm not kidding or exaggerating here--squirrel dumplins. Notice that I didn't say dumpling--it's dumplin'. It's the south down there, y'all! I did manage to try to write down some of Grandma's recipes, but, alas, Grandma cooks like I do...some of this, a spoon of that, a heap of know, until it tastes or looks right! Good times in that house. Maybe someday I'll tell the story of playing charades...but not today. We love you Grandma and miss you already. We look forward to seeing you again.

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