Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In Sickness and In Health

I love my husband. He really takes care of me. He has always been a hard worker. When I first met him, he worked two jobs and was finishing his last semester of high school (from which he graduated early). We've obviously never starved--even when work was sparse. These last 3 weeks or so, I have been continually battling with sinus infections and eye infections--and now an ear infection, too. One would get better, then another would start, and get better, then spread...you get the point. It has just been unpleasant. Yesterday, I finally made a doctor's appointment. It just wasn't getting better. I really don't have time to be sick. My sweet man took the afternoon off to drive me to the doctor because he was worried about me getting in a wreck because I was dizzy from my ear infection. Isn't that sweet? I just had to give kudos to Brad in a public forum for his sweetness. I love you, Honey!

In other local news...Aidan lost tooth #2 last night. The tooth fairy came to visit again. Aidan feels rich these days--he has a whole $6 to spend! In my effort to get him to go to sleep (and quit chatting) I told him that the tooth fairy will disappear and not leave his money if he opens his eyes and sees her. He was quiet after that until I went to leave the room when I hear a very concerned voice ask,"Mom, what happens if I ACCIDENTALLY see the tooth fairy? Do I still get my dollar?" At that point, I felt bad for scaring him--even if it was just a little bit--and told him that if he accidentally saw the tooth fairy, we would just try again the next night. He felt better and fell right asleep after that. Kids...

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