Friday, July 11, 2008

Faux Fur & Provision

This may not sound like a big deal, but I was freaking out a little--yes, again--when I noticed yesterday that Aidan doesn't have little boy peach fuzz on his little legs anymore. He actually has little boy hairs on his legs! I know it's all part of growing up. I really DO know that. Why does it all just have to happen at once?

Today Brad got paid.

"Yippee." You are thinking. I know it's not very exciting to you, but I knew this day was coming. It is commit to the get rid of the car or lose the house day. You see, we could no longer fool ourselves into thinking that something would happen for us to miraculously keep the car. We had to start with this paycheck to set money aside for our mortgage payments. Thank God that for once I didn't push things with my husband. When he called me this morning to tell me we had to get rid of it now because he didn't get paid enough (even though it wasn't a bad paycheck), I was okay with it. Really, I was. Seriously. Since we decided that getting rid of it was what we had to do, I was honestly okay with that. So what's the problem you ask? I had to tell my parents--who are co-signed on the loan--that we can't make the payments anymore. Ouch! So when I stopped by some friends' house today and I mentioned something about it (can I say thank you for our small group friends, once again?), his reply was maybe they won't respond like you think they will. maybe they won't. The Lord provides for us...again. Let me backtrack a little bit. The problem with us selling it outright is that we are upside down on it. What stranger in their right mind would say, " Sure I'll buy the car from you for less than you owe, and, oh sure, it's okay if you keep paying the extra that you owe over that. Just give me the title when you're done paying that." Yeah, right. Fast forward to today. So the choice for us was either turn it over to the bank and therefore trash our credit (which we don't care about anymore) and trash my parents' credit, too (not such a good thing for them). So, without going into too much detail, my parents are buying the car from us. It will be a great car for them. It is a super relief for us. We will actually be able to pay our mortgage and other bills without going into the hole each month! Yeah! Praise God! I really mean that!

Tomorrow I will be sharing with you my little sweetness, Aidan. He was so adorable tonight! More details on that tomorrow.

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