Monday, July 7, 2008

The Tooth Fairy Lives

She came. She really came. Last Saturday (July 5th) the tooth fairy came to our house for the 1st time to visit my child. I really can't believe it. I won't go into the whole losing childhood thing because Amanda covered it so beautifully and eloquently (like she always does) in her blog on July 5th. Check it out for yourself. I was very excited to catch this whole tooth losing thing on film--not digital film as my digital camera has died, so you'll have to wait for pictures. Daddy got to pop out Aidan's first tooth. Very cool. Aidan is officially titled "the toothless wonder" now. He is running around showing everyone he knows, and if he forgets to bring it up, Mommy will. I know it's not a competition. Other kids have lost their teeth before Aidan. I'm just really proud of him. He really is growing up all of a sudden. I think he's feeling it, too. Yesterday was the 1st day of Vacation Bible School at our church and he told me he was a little nervous to go. He was fine once he got there and saw his friends and his teacher that he knows, but it wasn't instantaneous elation at getting to be there. Kindergarten is rapidly coming, too--just a little over a month--EEKKKKK! I know this is every mother's quandry. I know I seem to be talking about it a lot lately. It will be fine once he gets there. Breanna will adjust to not having Bubba around all day. Mommy will, too. I'm just gonna miss him. Then I will have super guilt at not continuing with homeschooling and I'll want to pull him out of school, just so I can have my cutie pie boy at home with me. I know it's a selfish reason, but I love that munchkin. He is just so cute!!! (Can you hear the anxiousness in my voice???) I am really trying NOT to freak out in front of him. I did already warn him that Mommy WILL cry on the first day of kindergarten--only because I'm proud of him and happy for him, of course, but I will cry. I get forklempt even thinking about it. It will be fun to have one-on-one time with Breanna, though. She gets so silly with me when Aidan is not around. Not that she is all serious when he is here; the silliness is just directed at Aidan when she is playing with him. It will be fun to see that side of her more. And boy does that girl like to shop. Once we get rid of our silly car payment and get all the way out of debt, we are going get a bigger shopping allowance and I am sure that Breanna will have just as much fun as I do taking advantage of it. Once again, I must sign off to go get the kiddos ready for VBS today. Enjoy and having a really blessed day!

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