Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Done & Gone

It's finally over. It is really gone now. We knew it was coming, but it wasn't quite real until last night. Our car is gone. We are once again left with just "Bessie"--our old truck. Why are we so hard headed? I'll never know. We are truly blessed by it being gone, or at least we are blessed by the payment being gone, anyway. Now we have a little bit of breathing room in our budget--not tons, mind you, until we get the rest of our debts paid off. That won't be long now! I can't tell you how excited that makes me. We will owe no man. We can never repay our debt to Christ, but we will be debt free otherwise. I'm sure I will blog about the day the we will call into Dave Ramsey's radio show and scream that ever elusive --but almost there--phrase, "WE'RE DEBT FREE!!!" Maybe we'll have some of you come over and help us. You can consider it practice for when you guys get to do the same thing. I get all forklempt just thinking about it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you need to go to and find his show on your local radio station. (If you are local to us then you can listen on 1400 AM Monday-Friday at 1-3 p.m.) Then, listen on Friday. Seriously. It's hard not to get all choked up about it. It really is LIFE CHANGING!!! Yes, Amanda, life changing. When we are debt free, we will be able to help feed the starving children in Africa. I cannot tell you how excited I am. I know I said that before, but wouldn't that be so awesome if we all followed God's laws for handling our money, got debt free and just did some truly amazing things for HIS kingdom? It takes money to do that stuff. So our car is gone. Our debt is being paid off. We are working our way back to where God wants us to be--and it brings such peace. Join us.

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