Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A momentus day

It's a momentus day at our house. Aidan is officially not a little boy anymore. It's over. No, I'm not talking about kindergarten this fall--although, I'm not quite ready for that yet either. This day's item of interest is 2 loose teeth. Not just one, but two! He didn't notice them himself--which is actually amazing since he has been checking for loose teeth for the last several months. He was having a 5-year-old's attitude problem, so I asked him to come sit on my lap and talk. In the middle of talking to him, I noticed his tooth had a bigger space than usual next to it. Imagine my surprise as I touched it and realized it is about to fall out. Craziness! Then I touched the one next to it and it was loose, too! Super craziness. I am just not ready for these kids to grow up. It's just happening too fast! I know, I know. That's life, but it's just happening too fast, darn it! I am super proud of both Aidan and Breanna. They are just so sweet. Aidan is actually learning to read. He is getting really good at spelling. He loves writing words and mixing up letters to see if they make a word. He is just going to love kindergarten next year. That boy just loves to learn. I am just having some guilty feelings for giving up on the whole homeschooling thing. I know in my mind that if things are going badly, I can just pull him out of school. I just think that homeschooling is so wonderful! I know SO many people that are doing it successfully that I just wonder what my problem is that I can't get it together enough to do a little bit of school everyday. I don't know. I just want to do it all, but I know I can't. Once again, life goes on. He'll be fine. It will be good for him, right? I'm worried about it, but at the same time, I am also at peace about it. He's in the Lord's hands. Aidan and Bre sing that to me all the time. He's got the whole world in His hands--Aidan and Breanna included.

Here is today's Aidan-ism:
*Can I have a beagle? My response: No we are not getting another dog right now. Translation: Can I have a bagel? You know, those little round breads that look like a donut, Mom.

Overheard at light's out in Breanna's bed:
*Thank you God for nini's. Amen.
Isn't that cute? That's what she prays for most every night. In case you were wondering, nini's is our name for nursing.

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