Thursday, June 26, 2008

Two thumbs up!

Even good eaters have picky spells, I've learned. However, I felt totally proud of myself for getting two thumbs up last night with my 5 and 3 year olds. I didn't even have to use bribery. It even had very apparent squash in it--and onions! What was this madness? Here're the tricks. I called it pizza. We made it ourselves. The kids helped assemble (which doesn't always work, but it does help a little). They were on little biscuits, so they were kid sized. They picked out the vegetables themselves at the farm market. This is the hugest secret to getting your kids (or Grandpa) to eat vegetables--keep trying. Seriously. 10 or 15 times before you expect them to say, "Oh! I like this! This is wonderful! Will you please make it at every meal?" Okay. Well maybe not that enthusiastic, but pretty close. That's my sage and oh-so-wise thoughts for today. I really was very excited, though. Hopefully, tonight goes as well as last night did. A girl can dream can't she?

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